Tag: #Gannon

2012 – “Keeping Tom Nice” by Lucy Gannon

Doug and Winnie Davies have two children. Tom, a twenty-four year old severely disabled man and Charlotte (Charlie), his sister who is at university. Doug and Winnie have sacrificed all their married life into taking care of Tom, making sure that he is kept nice. They feed him, wash him, clothe him. It seems that […]

2012 – Reviews: Keeping Tom Nice

Lucy Gannon: “Keeping Tom Nice”   “Keeping Tom Nice” – The English Drama Group Salzburg (Dorfzeitung.com, 26/05/2012) „Gratulation an das gesamte Team für den Mut, dieses Stück auf die Bühne zu bringen. Ein Theaterabend, der nachdenklich und betroffen macht und den man nicht so schnell vergisst.“ Genauer hinschauen? Nicht schweigen? (DrehPunktKultur, 21/05/2012) “Das Risiko, sich […]